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Search email and more

Find what you’re looking for with mail.com

  • Quick appointment, address and email lookup

  • Find information on the internet easily
  • Search the web and your inbox with one function
woman with computer

Your powerful search tool from mail.com

Are you looking for a work file your colleague sent a few days ago? Or trying to remember that amazing pie recipe you found online last month? Whether you need to look for emails in your inbox or search the internet, mail.com has you covered. Your email account comes with several accurate search options so you can quickly track down whatever you’re after.

Search your inbox

Say good-bye to scrolling and clicking through your folders whenever you need to find email addresses, messages, files, etc. Your mail.com account features a highly effective free email search tool that rapidly scans your mailbox. And this doesn’t just mean your inbox and your other email folders – it can also locate items in your Cloud, Contacts and Organizer, which means you don't have to search separately in each tab. Just click the magnifying glass icon located in the top-right corner of your account, type in your search term, and click > Search to find whatever you are looking for.

Search the web

There’s no need to open a new browser tab to search the web when you’re using mail.com. When you are logged in to your mail.com email account, you can click the same icon that you use to search your inbox and enter whatever search term you like. Click the web search link that appears and you’ll go directly to an integrated search results page. And you don’t even need to be in your account to use the mail.com search function. There’s a convenient search bar right at the top of the mail.com homepage – just enter your search term there, or click the magnifying glass icon to go to the dedicated search page.

Search now!

FAQs: Search

How do I find email addresses?

You can use your inbox search function to find an email address by name. Simply type in the name of the person you’re looking for, and any emails in your inbox or other folders from that person will be listed in the search results. If the person is saved in your Contacts, that entry will also appear in your search results.

Where is the mail.com search function located?

When you are logged in to your mail.com email account, you will see a magnifying glass icon in the top-right corner of your screen. Click here for fast search results from all parts of your mail.com account, including your email, online calendar, contacts and cloud storage. On the mail.com homepage, you’ll find the same magnifying glass icon next to a search bar at the top of the page. Simply enter your search term here to search the web – even if you are not logged in.

Can I search for appointments, attachments and pictures?

The mail.com search function is more than an email search – it helps you find anything in your account. Simply enter whatever you’re looking for in the search bar. For example, if you need to look for an appointment in your Organizer, you can type in the name or email address of the person you are meeting or the meeting location, and any appointment that matches those criteria will appear in the search results. Similarly, if you are searching for a specific file, your search results will include results from your mail.com Cloud as well as your email folders.

Is it possible to customize my search?

It’s easy to customize your settings in our web search. The language and location can be changed, as well as the option to open links in a new tab or browser. Plus you can use the Family Filter to make sure that adult content does not appear in search results.

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