Professional features for freelancers and small businesses
With your professional email address, you should aim to project a sense of confidence in your brand, company or organization. Once you have selected a domain name that reflects your business or profession, we find that the most popular choice for a professional user name is your first name + surname. After you have decided on your preferred work email address, you can check its availability and create a business email account with
If you create a free email account at, the answer is yes! You can take advantage of all the great features for businesses listed above. The choice is going to be difficult because has over 100 domain names available for you to pick from.
We wouldn’t be if we didn’t have lots of ideas for email addresses! For a business email account, it is nice to select a domain name that reflects your profession, like, or the service you provide, like The best option for a user name is some combination of your first and last name, like johnsmith, john.smith, or john-smith. Or you could use the name of your business, e.g. smiths-cafe, in combination with a neutral domain name like
With more than 100 domain names to combine with your user name, the odds are good that you can create a unique and memorable email address. If you want to create an email id based on your name and it is not available, you could check to see if you can register it in combination with a different domain name. Or you could try changing the order of first and last name or adding an initial, for example smith.john, j.smith, or john.w.smith.
Professional email domains reflect your profession or the service you are providing. offers many free domain names that fit the bill, like and You can also select a neutral domain name such as and use it in combination with the name of your business.