In case you missed it: Our blog readers' favorites

It was a busy year at the blog – after a successful launch in April we covered topics from spam-fighting tips and inbox tricks to explainers about the world of email. What posts proved the most popular?
Woman holds beagle on lap while looking at laptop
Which blog articles were most popular with our readers?
In case you missed them, our readers' favorites of 2021!

1. What is an email alias?

Do you ever use an alias? If you’re not an artist or a bank robber, the answer is probably no! But an alias email address is another story, and gives you up to 10 email addresses in a single account. This lets you send and receive your professional, personal and other correspondence under different names without having to log in and out of different accounts.

2. Spamhaus, bounced emails and blocked IP addresses

Are your emails bouncing back to you? Take a look at the bounce message: some emails are rejected because of a block by an anti-spam group like Spamhaus. This post explains spam databases and what you can do if you mistakenly end up on a block list.

3. Automatically sort your emails with filter rules

Why waste time sorting your emails into folders when there is an automatic function that will do it for you? This blog post showed how to filter email, using rules that automatically sort messages into folders or even delete spam messages.

4. What is a QR code? And why are they suddenly everywhere?

It seems like QR codes are everywhere nowadays! If you’ve ever wondered where they came from, struggled to scan one, or wondered how to create one yourself, this is the blog post for you!

5. How do I know if my email has been hacked?

Are your friends reporting spam emails coming from you? Did you get a funny message about your settings being changed? Could this mean that your email account has been hacked? In this blog post, learn more about the warning signs – and what to do if your email is hacked.

6. Cloud in the Mail App for Android

Did you know you can access your free Cloud in our Mail App for Android? Now all your stored photos, documents and more are right at your fingertips, no matter where you are. This blog post shows you how.

7. How to send a large file by email  

Do you need to send a large file by email but not are sure of the best way to go about it? This blog post outlines three easy options for transferring your large files by attachment or file-sharing.

8. How to use Online Office

Did you know that offers you an office suite right in your mailbox? You can use, create and edit documents, spreadsheets and presentations wherever you have an internet connection – all with no software download necessary. Find out how in this blog post.

9. Why send email to yourself?

You send emails to colleagues and friends – so why not to yourself? Read this post for six great ways to use your email to keep track of information and files – and to stay in your boss’s good graces!

10 Your Compose E-mail window: Spellcheck, attachments and more!

Writing an email and not sure how to change the font, add an emoji or attachment, or use the spellcheck? This blog post shows you how to use these options (and more!) when composing a message in your account.

Which of the listed posts was your favorite? Did you discover a helpful article that you missed the first time around? We look forward to your feedback below!

Image: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

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