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Black Friday: Festival for AI-generated spam and phishing

Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the weeks leading up to them are peak season for bargain hunters. Criminals are particularly active when numerous online shops are already advertising special offers. more
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Summer vacation goes digital: Travel better with the cloud

America is packing its bags: the 2023 vacation season is in full swing. Many people already make their travel plans online, but the internet can also ease many stresses for travelers once they’re on the road. more
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World Password Day: ChatGPT is not a password manager

Good passwords are the foundation of internet security. Experts recommend using a unique, complex password for every login and online account. As the number of internet accounts steadily increases, this becomes quite a challenge – can modern artificial intelligence (AI) systems like ChatGPT help us invent and manage secure passwords? "It depends," says Arne Allisat, Head of Email Security at more
102 people found this article helpful. announces 10 most popular email domains

Email service lets users choose from more than 100 domains to create 10 free custom addresses. more
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Black Friday: Up to 20 percent more spam

Black Friday is high season for internet bargain hunters. Wherever a lot of money is being spent online, however, cybercriminals are often not far behind. Email provider sees an increase in spam and phishing during the bargain holidays, with fake vouchers and shipping scams topping the list of scammers’ tricks. more
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Pet names & family birthdays: Popular passwords in different countries

Would you use your pet’s name as a password? This is a popular option in the UK. Or your wife’s birthday? Then you might be German! A survey sheds light on password trends in several different countries. more
52 people found this article helpful. Cloud sync: New software for Mac and PC introduces an easy way to download and/or share cloud docs and photos: With the new Cloud sync tool for Windows or Mac, files saved in the Cloud can also be made available offline. more
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Black Friday: provides more protection against phishing with DMARC security standard

The email provider is now using the international security standard DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance). This improves the protection of its users against fraud emails with forged sender addresses. more
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Happy birthday, email!

This year marks the 50th anniversary of email, a technology that has transformed the way the world communicates. From the first-ever message “QWERTYUIOP” to forming the backbone of today’s digital services, email has come a long way. more
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Americans see data disclosure by internet companies or authorities as one of biggest threats to data security

  • Majority of U.S. Americans concerned about hacker attacks
  • A quarter worry about burglary and damage to homes
  • Dangerous lack of awareness: More than one in ten respond to spam emails
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