How to make emojis from a keyboard on your laptop or computer

We all know how to make emojis on our phones, but did you know there is an emoji keyboard on your laptop as well? Today we show you three easy ways to do emojis on a computer – whether Windows or Mac – and where to find the emojis in your email.
Popup panel with selection of emojis
Find out how to get these little guys into your Word docs and emails
  1. Emojis panel in Windows
  2. Emojis on a Mac
  3. Touch Keyboard in Windows 10
  4. Emojis in your email
  5. How to type emoticons

Emojis for your laptop

The best way to get emojis on a computer is to open up a virtual keyboard or window where you can select from a wide range of emojis, emoticons and other symbols. Keep reading to find the right method for your computer.

Using the emojis panel in Windows

If you would like to make emojis on your computer, one of the easiest ways is to open the emojis panel in the program you are using to write your text. In Microsoft apps such as Notepad or Word, or in the Edge web browser, press Windows key + ; (semicolon) or Windows key +. (period) to open a window that will allow you to insert an emoji, kaomoji or special character. For emojis, click on the smiley face and then on the category – People, Food and plants, etc. Then start typing the name of the emoji you are looking for (e.g. type “burger” and the hamburger emoji will appear) or scroll down the panel. Once you have found the emoji you are looking for, click and it will be inserted into your text.
Screenshot of emoji selection window in Word
You can open this emoji panel in any Windows program

Inserting emojis on in a Mac

If you are using a Mac, you can follow a similar process to insert emojis. Simply click on any text field, then press Command + Control + Space on your keyboard. A panel will open, and you can choose your emoji from the list. A simple click will add the emoji to your text.

Add emojis using the Touch Keyboard in Windows 10

Look at the Windows taskbar at the bottom of your screen and check for a keyboard icon. Clicking it will open your Touch Keyboard. If you don’t see a keyboard icon, right-click on a blank space on the taskbar to open up a menu, then select Toolbars > Touch Keyboard. Once you have opened the Touch Keyboard, choose the smiley key in the lower left corner of the keyboard. Now you can click on emojis to type them into your text.
Screenshot of Windows touch keyboard emoji panel
You’ll find this keyboard in your Windows taskbar

Emojis keyboard in your email

When you are writing an email in your account, simply click the smiley symbol on the top navigation bar of the Compose E-mail window. This will open a panel with a wide range of emojis for you to choose from:
Screenshot of smileys panel in inbox
You can insert a wide selection of emojis in your emails

Good to know: Emoticons

You don’t necessarily need an emoji panel to insert emotion markers into your text. Before there were emojis, people typed a combination of characters to symbolize a facial expression, the most famous of which is :-). If you type in these character combinations today, many apps and platforms automatically switch your typed emoticons into the emojis they represent. And if not, they will add a certain old-school charm to your communications. Here are a few of the most well-known DIY emojis:
Happy face :-) colon + minus sign + close parentheses
:-D colon + minus sign + capital D
Sad face :-( colon + minus sign + open parentheses
:’-( colon + apostrophe + minus sign + open parentheses
Jokey face ;-) semicolon + minus sign + close parentheses
Embarrassed face :-/ colon + minus sign + backslash
Shocked face :-O colon + minus sign + capital O
Angry face X-( capital X + minus sign + open parentheses
We hope this article will help you fully express yourself when writing on your computer! :-D We look forward to your feedback below.

Images: 1&1/Shuterstock

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