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All articles tagged "Security"

Understanding pharming: Protecting yourself from online fraud

Online scams can take many forms, but the aim is often the same: harvesting personal data, login credentials, and account information to commit identity theft. And pharming is no different. Learn to recognize the signs of online fraud so you can protect yourself. more
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Browser extensions and add-ons: What are they and are they safe to use?

Do you wish your internet browser offered a spell checker? Would you like to block ads from popping up in your browser window? Looking for an accountability buddy to keep you from surfing for hours? All of this is possible – with browser extensions. more
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The “Hi Mom!” phishing scam: How to recognize and avoid it

Have you ever received a call for help or a strange text message claiming from your son or daughter? But strangely, you don't recognize the number? Be careful: the “Hi Mom” scam shows no sign of stopping in 2024. more
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From our experts: Top five cybersecurity tips of 2023

As the year draws to a close, we look back at some of our most effective online security tips. Do you know how to check if a URL in an email is safe? Or the best way to protect your password from hackers? In case you missed it, here are our top explainers to keep you safe as you navigate the digital world. more
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Are security questions secure? Not really – here’s why

When was the last time someone asked you the middle name of your oldest sibling? Probably not something that comes up in casual conversation – which made it a good option to use as a security question for a bank or online account. But you may have noticed that you have not had to provide such seemingly random information recently. more
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Spear phishing: Understanding email attacks

Phishing scams – where you receive fraudulent messages pretending to be from a trusted sender designed to trick you into revealing personal data – have unfortunately become widespread and the criminals behind them have refined their techniques. more
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What is an SSL certificate?

SSL, TLS, https – it may seem like alphabet soup, but it actually has to do with the security of your data as you surf the web. Whether it’s your online banking credentials or the credit card information you enter on an online shopping site, SSL protocols keep sensitive data from falling into the wrong hands. more
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What is a VPN, what does it do, and why might I need one?

Looking for a way to boost your security when using public Wi-Fi? Tired of being tracked when surfing the web? Want a way around geographical restrictions on internet content? There is one tool designed to answer all these problems: a VPN. So, should you consider using one? more
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What is typosquatting? Types and examples

Fraudulent websites are a common example of a cybersecurity risk. Cybercriminals mimic the sites of trusted businesses to phish for visitors’ personal data or spread malware. One tool in their arsenal is typosquatting, where they buy domain names that are intentional misspellings of popular websites. more
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Email spam: Why do I get spam messages & how do I get rid of them?

Spam is one of the things people like least about email. Sometimes it is annoying but harmless – like  bulk advertising. Much worse are the spam emails that try to trick you into scams or contain computer viruses. Luckily, today’s spam blockers keep a large share of such messages from reaching your inbox. You can also help keep yourself safe by learning to identify the most common types of spam and using your spam folder effectively.

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