Easter emails: 20 eggs-cellent ideas and subject lines
With Easter just around the corner, now is the time to start thinking about sending out Easter emails! Businesses can use Easter-themed emails to promote special deals or to connect with subscribers and boost engagement. Easter is also a great time to put a smile on the face of your family and friends with a fun Easter message.
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A strong network for women technologists
It all started with a simple email list. More than three decades ago, a couple of young women technologists laid the foundation for a global movement to support, mentor and encourage women in tech. On today’s International Women’s Day, let’s have a closer look at the distance they have come – and still have to go.
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Black History Month: mail.com salutes African-American computing pioneers
February is Black History Month! Since it was officially inaugurated across the United States by President Gerald Ford, Black History Month has been an important occasion for celebrating Black heritage and contributions in many different sectors. Today, join mail.com in saluting four Black trailblazers in the field of technology.
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Valentine's Day email ideas: Promotional, professional & personal
Valentine's Day is just around the corner, love is in the air – and email is the perfect way to express affection and send greetings to loved ones. If you’d like to send a special message to someone you care about, a Happy Valentine’s Day email is a great way to get started. And if you have a business, Valentine’s Day emails are ideal for showcasing your products and special deals.
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Send a last-minute holiday photo card – with mail.com email
Did you want to send out personalized holiday cards this year but never found time to have them printed? Or you finally have the perfect photo but know it’ll never get there on time by snail mail? In just a few clicks you can create and send a personalized greeting card from your mail.com email account.
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National App Day: Why are apps important?
You might remember the old slogan “There’s an app for that,” and it turns out there’s a day for that as well: December 11 is National App Day! Today we celebrate the not-so-humble app – and the mail.com Mail App in particular. So, if you have ever wondered what an app actually is and why apps are important, there is an explainer for that, too!
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Santa Claus has email!? Your holidays with mail.com
Baked goods, cozy nights, ugly sweater contests, and spending time with those you hold dear. That sure does sound like the holiday season to us! Now that the holidays are here are you ready? – We sure are! Whether you’re home for the holidays or trying out some new traditions, with mail.com by your side this holiday season.
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THE CAPS LOCK KEY: Why is it there and how to reverse it
gOOD mORNING! Oops, was my Caps Lock on? Almost all of us have probably accidentally hit that key and produced a sentence of gobbledygook before noticing our mistake. After all, it’s very easy to hit it by mistake. Which may have you asking – why is Caps Lock there, should you even use it – and can you make it go away?
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Emojis, emoticons & smileys: A brief history
It’s hard to imagine our online communications without emojis. They have made the leap from our emails and texts into popular culture, with an emoji movie and their own “holiday”: World Emoji Day on July 17. In honor of this special day, let’s take a look at the history of the emoji and its predecessor, the email emoticon. Plus: How to add emojis to your mail.com emails.
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International Women’s Day: Ada Lovelace’s algorithm
International Women’s Day, celebrated on March 8, is the perfect opportunity to shed light on and celebrate the achievements women have contributed to our society. Women have been pioneers in many aspects of our society, especially in technology. In celebration of International Women’s Day, Ada Lovelace’s invention of the first algorithm is on our agenda.
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