White keyboard with woman's fingers typing


All articles tagged "Trends"

How to digitize photos: From mobile apps to scanning services

Are you thinking of digitizing old photos? Creating a digital copy of your precious memories is a great idea – it ensures you’ll always have a backup if the originals should be damaged or lost. Digitized photos can also be edited; depending on your skills and software, you can enlarge, crop and correct flaws in your photos. more
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Pet names & family birthdays: Popular passwords in different countries

Would you use your pet’s name as a password? This is a popular option in the UK. Or your wife’s birthday? Then you might be German! A mail.com survey sheds light on password trends in several different countries. more
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Feeling misunderstood? Text tone indicators help clarify meaning online

If you are a frequent user of social media platforms, you may have spotted additions to people’s posts in the form of a slash and a letter, like this: /srs. This is called a tone indicator. Like the tone of a person’s voice pitched higher to indicate a question or louder to indicate anger, these markers help clarify the meaning of the words. more
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How to make emojis from a keyboard on your laptop or computer

We all know how to make emojis on our phones, but did you know there is an emoji keyboard on your laptop as well? Today we show you three easy ways to do emojis on a computer – whether Windows or Mac – and where to find the emojis in your mail.com email. more
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Spinach email & messages to trees: Plants that send & receive emails

You may have heard of people setting up email accounts or social media accounts for their pets. But for a tree!? It turns out that plant emails are actually a thing, and not just for bored owners of houseplants.
Smiling young man with laptop sits on grass leaning against tree trunk
Feel like sending a message to your favorite tree? In Melbourne, it’s possible!
Scientists and local politicians have sown the seeds for this green phenomenon. more
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Artificial intelligence and email writing

Have you ever stared at your full email inbox and wished you could wave a magic wand to write a reply to each one? While that future has not yet arrived, artificial intelligence is already making its mark on some aspects of email writing.
Robot hands typing on computer keyboard
How do you write better emails with artificial intelligence?
Find out how AI is becoming an increasingly commonplace tool in the email writing process. more
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Americans see data disclosure by internet companies or authorities as one of biggest threats to data security

  • Majority of U.S. Americans concerned about hacker attacks
  • A quarter worry about burglary and damage to homes
  • Dangerous lack of awareness: More than one in ten respond to spam emails
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