What is the future of email?

2023 has come to a satisfactory end, and now we cannot help but to look towards the future and what can be expected of email from 2024 and beyond. Imagine us here at mail.com over a crystal ball looking into the future of email. Just kidding, but of course we can see a few things on the horizon when it comes to your future email use.
From ensuring digital footprint security to AI in email, we’re looking towards the future to see what can be expected for email.

by Montanna Owens
Happy business people waiting at airport cafe
From biometric logins to integrated clouds, the future of email is here!

What is the future of email?

We can understand and view the future of email in different perspectives. Email has to become more secure as digital footprints and identities are becoming more important. Many people are already using AI tools for everything so, why not email? Biometric data is starting to become the norm for account access, and lastly can you remember the last time you used an external hard drive to save files to upload to an email? These are just a few key topics that give us an insight on what the future of email will look like in 2024 and probably over the next few years.

Digital footprint

Of course you’re probably thinking to yourself “what is a digital footprint? Do I have one?” Rest assured, anyone that is online has a digital footprint and some are more secure than others. A digital footprint is the information or data that shows a person’s online activity. Like when there are footprints in a detective movie, you know someone has been there and their footprint can tell you a bit more about who, why, when, and where they went. Data or digital footprints are collected when an internet user deliberately shares their information online. This is commonly understood through the use of social media. Just like they say, when you go on vacation you should post the photos once you have already returned home.

The emails you send also contribute to your digital footprint. The future of email will bring about an evolution of email systems and security systems to meet the demands of growing spam and cybercrimes in an increasingly digital world. Our shared email future will involve these increased security measures that will minimize the digital footprint left behind from email interactions. However, there are measures you can take right now to already protect your digital footprint and identity online.

How to protect your digital identity

  1. Create strong passwords- The era of ‘password123’ is gone. You will need strong secure passwords to maintain account protection and shield yourself from hackers. We know it can be tough to memorize all of those long passwords. Need a password manager? Take a look at our explainer on the best password managers to find the right one for you.
  2. Use multifactor authentication or two-factor authentication- It won’t be as easy for someone to gain access to your personal data if you have multiple authentication points for signing into your account.
  3. Don’t overshare- Don’t make yourself vulnerable on the internet by sharing too much personal information on social media or other platforms. Keep your sharing to a minimum.
  4. Make sure your devices are up to date- One sure fire way to add a layer of protection to your devices to shield them from malware attacks is to make sure your device is updated to its latest version.
Pro tip: We also learned many things from 2023 when it comes to cybersecurity. Check out our explainer on the top security tips from 2023.

AI in email

With ChatGPT it almost seems like you never have to write an email by hand again. With the rise of artificial intelligence technology available to virtually anyone with internet, you could be using your email completely differently. ChatGPT can draft your email, all you would have to do is copy, paste, and send. There are also picture-generating AI that allow you to make any kind of photo you can imagine and send them over to your friends for an audible ‘HaHa!’ Using AI in email will give you more possibilities for email creativity but it can also make a user reliant on these tools for communicating through emails.

Rise of biometric data for logging in

Many apps and accounts are now adding biometric log in features to verify that it is really you trying to access your account. Are you familiar with the touch ID fingerprint or Face ID recognition? Well, they are a biometric log in feature. In the mail.com Mail app, for example, you can already log in to your account with your face ID. No more are the days of unauthorized access to your accounts by cybercriminals simply because they have your password. Biometric log ins make accessing your accounts convenient and swift, especially when you have to verify your identity.

Cloud storage is the future

Long gone are the days where you could only access your saved files via disk or external hard drive. Cloud storage not only allows you the flexibility of taking your files with you anywhere you go, but it also allows you to ensure the security of your files every step of the way. Cloud storage is taking the world by storm and keeping your files safe and sound over the internet. You can share files, documents, photos, videos, etc. in seconds with cloud. Not an expert in the cloud yet? Try the unbeatable combination of email and cloud storage by taking advantage of the free 2 GB of online storage in your mail.com account. We have an explainer to get you started: Let your free cloud storage work for you – online and offline

As alluded to in this article, the future of email means enhanced security, new ways to use your email, and the next phase in a digital world as it relates to how we communicate with one another. In the words of Buzz Lightyear, email seems to be making new strides to take us to infinity and beyond. And mail.com is definitely on board co-piloting the ride with our users. Don’t be shy, let us know what you thought about this article below.

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Images: 1&1/Getty Images

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