Have you ever bought a product that you loved so much you just had to post about it online? It could be a new shirt, a new phone, or even a new menu at your favorite fast food place. You snap a picture or take a video to share with your loved ones so that they too could give your favorite product a try.
We’ve all been there – your computer wants to do a software update right when you are in the middle of something, so you click the notification away. It’s ok to wait an hour or two before going back and performing the update, but ignoring updates entirely can be dangerous.
Let’s face the facts: many of us are bad at passwords. We choose weak ones that are easy to guess, like "password 123," or we use the same password for multiple accounts. Even if we come up with strong, unique passwords for every online account, a password can still be stolen in a phishing scam. This is where 2FA can save the day.
Whether you surf the web on a laptop or smartphone, a web browser is the program that makes it possible. But there are a few things you might not know about web browsers. When were they invented? Do you have to use the browser that’s preinstalled on your device? Our blog connects the dots.
If you use the mail.com Online Office tools, you already know how easy it is to create, open, and edit all kinds of documents. Plus, there is the added bonus of saving them in your free mail.com Cloud, where they’re always accessible. And now mail.com has made it even easier to share files with others!
Need to send an email to your book club or all the parents in your daughter’s class? If you email a group regularly, you can create an email distribution list, AKA a contact group, so you can send messages to them in a single click. Our blog shows you how to create email lists – in mail.com and using Outlook.
In the modern world, most of us use computing equipment on a daily basis at home or at work. So do you ever wonder about the environmental impact of all this computer usage? Or how the electricity costs related to computers affects your wallet or a company’s bottom line?
It happens all the time – you start writing an email but get interrupted before you can finish. Or maybe you aren’t happy with how you’ve phrased something. No problem – just save your message and you can go back to it whenever you’re ready to put on the finishing touches.
When your computer is connected to the internet, it is vulnerable to cyberthreats – hackers out to steal your sensitive data as well as malware such as ransomware or Trojan horses. However, the good news is there is a way to guard your device and its data from unwanted access: A firewall.
You’ve probably heard companies advertising “cloud computing services” or friends talking about saving photos to their “cloud drive.” But what does that mean exactly? Is our data just floating around out here somewhere? Why do we need cloud computing? If you aren’t quite sure, you are not alone!