Notes from the teacher in your kid’s backpack are a thing of the past – nowadays everything is digital. The invitation for the school open house, reminder about a well-child check-up and spring soccer schedule all come as emails. With so many other messages flooding your inbox, it’s easy for one to slip through the cracks. The solution: A family email account.
Creating your child’s first email account *ever* is an exciting milestone in their digital journey. An email account can be a valuable tool for communication and learning, whether it's to stay in touch with older family members or to sign up for school activities or online platforms.
Valentine's Day is just around the corner, love is in the air – and email is the perfect way to express affection, show appreciation, or send greetings to loved ones, coworkers, and customers.
Are you struggling to craft the perfect subject line for your job application email? The blog has professional tips and examples that will help your email stand out in a crowded inbox – and land the job of your dreams.
Why make things hard when they can be easy? When you save photos and other files in the Cloud, it is a snap to share them with others. Instead of sending them individually as email attachments, it’s super-easy to share cloud photos and documents using a secure share link.
“Strong enough or not strong enough?” When it comes to your password, that is indeed the question! And now with a free and secure password check in your email account, you can find out in a matter of seconds.
A friend tells you they’ve received a strange email from your address, but there’s no sign of suspicious emails in your sent mail folder. Your caller ID shows a number you recognize, but there’s a strange voice on the other end of the line. Both of these are examples of spoofing, or communications under a faked name.
Imagine you’re enjoying a quiet evening surfing the web – maybe watching cute cat videos or scrolling through social media – when suddenly a brightly colored pop-up bursts onto your screen. It screams, “Your computer is infected with a dangerous virus! Act now before it’s too late!”
If you use the Mail App on your iOS or Android mobile device, you may want to protect your account against unauthorized access without having to completely log in and out each time you check your email or use your cloud. So why not enable biometric authentication? It only takes a few taps!
If you’ve ever been online and had your surfing interrupted by a test asking you to “Click all the traffic lights” or “Type in these wonky letters”, you've encountered CAPTCHA.